Product/UX Designer
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Google: Search Experiment


Experiments in Search:

"In the moments after a TV ad airs, searches for that product increase. Google's Art Copy & Code Team wanted to study how brands could channel this existing behavior into getting more out of their commercials, by capitalizing on the searches that followed."

"To examine these challenges, we teamed up with manufacturers JBL and Dyson to run a series of tests using their TV ads. These studies are also being used to improve Google's ad formats, which display product specifications and rich images from the product manufacturer, along with shopping ads from retailers selling those products." Aman Govil, Team Lead, Creative Partnerships, Google.


Uploaded by William Mitchell on 2017-06-22.

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"For these experiments, Art Copy & Code worked with Google's user experience research team to test several end frame prompts following the TV spot, adjusting everything from verbiage, typeface, font weight adjustments, image composition and style, as well as the length of time the message displayed on screen before fading to black."


make it mobile friendly.

"Of the consumers searching for additional information following the TV ads, more than 75% used mobile for their query in the two separate experiments.

As a part of continually trying to improve user and advertiser experience on mobile, we tested new mobile designs that included a carousel of larger images that will allow consumers to scroll and browse directly in the unit." – Aman Govil, Team Lead, Creative Partnerships, Google.